Hatchet Axe Throwing Leagues

Sunday, January 5th - March 16th, 2025

Come and compete against your friends and get ranked in the world axe throwing league WATL!
League will be every Sunday starting on January 5th to March 16th.

Knife League and Big Axe League will be available depending on the interest!

axe leagues
axe league bottom
WATL Partners & Sponsors



Starts: Sunday, January 5th, 2024.

4 pm Start Time

3-4pm warm-up throwing


The WATL season is spread over 8 weeks.

For the first 7 weeks, league members will throw 4 games per week, for a total of 28 fun and competitive games across the season.

On week 8, there is a league tournament to finish out the season.

ADDED BENEFIT: League members receive discounted lane time throughout the league season


Starts: Sunday, January 5th, 2024.

4 pm Start Time

3-4pm warm-up throwing

KNIFE League

Starts: tbd

Starts after Big Axe League

2-4pm open throwing (warm-up).

BIG AXE League

Starts: tbd

Starts after Hatchet League

2-4pm open throwing (warm-up).

Sign up below

Cost is: $20. per session. Pay in advance or on League day.

Hatchet Axe Throwing League

We make joining an axe throwing league entertaining – we schedule regular tournaments and make sure everyone gets plenty of play time.

When you join one of our axe throwing leagues, you don’t have to worry about your skill level. We want everyone to simply come, play, and have a good time!

Contact us at Winona Axe & Arcade today and get signed up.

Why should you join an axe throwing league? 

  • Get out of the house and enjoy axe throwing on a regular basis.
  • Practice axe throwing and get better at it than you were before.
  • Hang out with people who love axe throwing as much as you do.
  • Have a great time!!
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Winona Axe And Arcade
350 W 2nd Street | Winona, MN